Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co operate rather than compete become more useful adults Discuss both these views and give your opinions.

Encouragement is important in
's behaviour because it teaches them how to interact with situations in a powerful way. Some people believe that we should regularly encourage
to compete, while on the opposite side,
think that they should learn how to cooperate in order to become useful and successful.
both views are important, I agree with cooperation between
. In the beginning, encouraging
at an early age is being taught by a lot of parents, they tend to teach them that every act should be a competition,
for example
, starting from school, how many of us their parents asked to get an A in a subject, just to pass his other friend grade.
kind of teaching will affect the child's reactions in the future, they will never accept to fail, which they will in some circumstances and
it will be an issue. In my opinion, I don't agree with
taunting as it will affect the child's mindset.
On the other hand
always tend to teach their
how to interact and cooperate with
, Indeed they register them in some clubs that help to integrate group activities to learn how to help each other and evaluate problems. In
will learn that in life you might face problems and issues, which need you to ask for help from
to overcome them.
, when they grow up, with a cooperation mindset, they will succeed in their life and manage to solve their hard situations. In conclusion, both encouragement and cooperation have a point of view, but teaching
how to interact and cooperate with each other is more beneficial for them to become more powerful in overcoming their problems in the future and be successful in school and work.
Submitted by ayoub.mehdi on

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