Many manufactured food and drink products contain high level of sugars which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

In today’s world, there has been more and more emphasis on health. Some argue that there is too much sugar in the food and drink
available on the market and that the government should charge an additional fee on
with high sugar levels. Personally, I agree with
approach and I will list some of the benefits below.
, charging higher prices will definitely reduce people’s intake of sugary
. Sometimes, the public is simply not aware of the number of carbohydrates contained in the drink they purchase, as manufacturers nowadays tend to find ways to label their
as healthy even though they are not.
For instance
, some juice shops label themselves as healthy by emphasising their
’ freshness.
, they never inform their customers of the amount of sugar contained in one regular-size juice, which can be extremely high for some items
as grape juice.
, making these unhealthy drinks more expensive will help consumers make better choices when purchasing
. They are simply bad for health as they can lead to problems
as obesity and diabetes. The general public should definitely not be encouraged to consume
In addition
, with more and more people switching to healthier diets, the nation will definitely benefit from savings on healthcare in the long run. In conclusion, sugary food and drinks are harmful to people’s well-being and higher price should be charged so as to help people control their carbohydrate intake and eventually improve the health of the population.
Submitted by nageenshoukat124 on

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