The Government’s investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money. Government should invest these funds in public services instead .To what extent do you agree with the statements?

Governing bodies are held responsible for allocating funds for areas that have value and provide greater service to their citizens. Many argue that investing in aesthetic areas
as art, music and drama is a wasteful endeavour, and should be used
on social services. I completely disagree with
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and would explain the merits of promoting
in the following paragraphs.
To begin
with, artistic subjects bring harmony to
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public. songs, theatre plays, and drawings all speak a common language and can be enjoyed by anyone, despite their different backgrounds.
For example
, when there was unrest between ethnic communities, films
as Sarojini, which shows the beauty of unity between Sinhalese and Tamils, played an important role in settling the ethnic tension.
, the
play a pivotal role in bringing society together.
, aesthetic material helps people to relax and relieve stress. Vibrant colours in a painting, soothing vocal and instrumental music, and moving energetic scenes on stage, all can stir emotion in the viewer and take them away from their problems and create a de-stress environment. They create an entirely different perspective of life that may even solve many pressing matters.
For instance
, for therapy for depression, often
are used to help them.
, can we disregard the important role
and drama play in our mental well-being? Some are concerned about using funds to promote art saying they should be diverted to public services. In fact, it is clear that
offer far equal benefits to the population as public services do. In conclusion, Aesthetic areas promote unity and the mental well-being of the nation. Government should fund them to support them produce more creative pieces.
Submitted by ghm_day on

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