When new towns are planned, it is essential to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping complexes. Do you agree or disagree with statement?

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No one can deny that nowadays all nations will be developed and new towns and cities are planned by builders and it is important to construct more public places or sports accommodations
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of shopping markets. I agree with
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notion, The society parks will be essential because their national children will be playing games in their parks I will discuss a few points in the upcoming paragraphs.
To begin
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Correct article usage
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agreement, Technology is advancing day by day and many communities will like to build lawns for their kindergartens because everywhere building new shopping complexes and authority will not stop
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negative trend.
In other words
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, many new urban areas will be exchanged for new towns and it has a good effect on their region's tourism but some reasons will be the effect that
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all government sides places will be constructed parks but they will destroy and build
Use synonyms
For example
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, In British lawmakers will focus their public areas
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building lawns and providing sports stadiums everywhere
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of clothing
Use synonyms
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, Shopping
Use synonyms
is important but it doesn't mean public place will convert
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development. To initial with the disagreement, The international governments will be aiming for their community and they try to provide everything their society want and shopping stores will be essential as well as because a large factor of workers will be working in shopping
Use synonyms
. To explain,poor employers
Add the comma(s)
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don't have good qualifications they only opportunity to work in a plaza because developed areas will not provide good jobs
Add the preposition
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those base on low-level education.
For instance
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, Australian news reveals headlines that estate will be the most important part of human life because old youths will exercise in the forest and they will fit without any medicines.
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, A park will be doing a good role in their region's generations' wellness and it has a good impact on their individual's future. In conclusion,
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square and sports facilities are an essential part of life and both places will be important in a peaceful society.
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, Mall is not permanently accepted but they have benefits for their nation's economy.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • urban planning
  • public amenities
  • green spaces
  • biodiversity
  • aesthetic appeal
  • community well-being
  • sustainable development
  • health and wellness
  • social cohesion
  • economic impact
  • environmental sustainability
  • property value
  • constructive activities
  • consumerism
  • public health benefits
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