It is important for people to take risks, in both their professional lives and personal lives. Does the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

Some individuals consider that it is essential to be adventurous in decision-making in matters that concern their private and career lives. In my opinion, I believe the
of taking risks which include another opportunity to achieve and explore more outweigh the drawbacks of not trying something different. One reason why the advantage of taking
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is more than the drawback is that it exposes
to unlimited opportunities.
In other words
, trying something different allows
to begin
to try other aspects they were never used to.
For example
, trying to eat a different kind of food can provide more nutritional
than the regular diet someone has eaten over the years.
In addition
, they might enjoy
new thing explored. Another point why the
of exploring other options outweigh the disadvantage of sticking to one's routine is that
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it helps
to achieve more. Most
who took a career break to get
education and try other jobs usually do better
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these new jobs and get more promotions.
promotion would not be possible if they has stuck with their old jobs and lifestyle.
For instance
, a sales assistant, taking a break to get a university degree will most likely get a managerial position after graduation because
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risk was taken to get more certifications and education. In conclusion, while there are varying views on the
and drawbacks of taking risks, I think the advantages of exposing
to different opportunities and achieving more in their private and career lives, outweigh the disadvantages.
Submitted by beansola on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Opportunities
  • Growth
  • Innovation
  • Challenges
  • Self-discovery
  • Resilience
  • Uncertainty
  • Consequences
  • Calculated risks
  • Stagnation
  • Regret
  • Comfort zone
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Adventurous spirit
  • Thriving
  • Failure
  • Mitigate
  • Reap the rewards
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