Many people think it is the government’s responsibility to ensure the provision of good health care for everyone in the community and that each individual should be cared for by State medical programmes. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

Equal distribution of health care is widely believed to be the government's mission in that each citizen is accessible to adequate systems and medical programmes. I;
, disagree with
viewpoint because of the below reasons.
, it could pose a heavy burden on the authorities' financial budget to guarantee a good healthcare system. It is unfortunate fact that a limited national budget needs having well calculated to make a proper distribution to all life facets. One area
as public health being more invested means that there is another one like the military or infrastructure being less cared for.
led to a dilemma for the ministry to allocate the budget.
, it, in a way, makes public hospitals and staff working overloaded. It is no exaggeration to say that all state hospitals are packed with patients all the time when fewer go to private clinics.
but not least, discouraging the involvement of the private sector might worsen the quality of public hospitals' service. To put it in another way, little competitive motive between the counterpart, state area finds unnecessary to excel skills or bring more contentment to patients. A considerable number of taxpayers claim that it is compulsory for the government to tend public due to the handsome amount of tax collected from them. They argue that a demand for responsibility from States is solely a return back what they have paid. They seem to underestimate governors' caring for other life aspects
as autonomy, and security, not mention to education.
In other words
, I would say
viewpoint is unjustifiable and somehow egoistic.  In conclusion, I contend that government should look after the public's health care, but not their lonely responsibility. State, and private sectors in healthcare, and each individual are bonding to create a social organism full of well-being.
Submitted by dothiha93 on

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