Countries are becoming similar because people are able to buy the same product anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answers and include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience/

Many nations are becoming indistinguishable since communities are able to buy the same product around the globe. I do believe
situation gives advantages development rather than negatives impact.
essay will not only discuss good and bad aspects but
describes relevant examples from the condition.
To begin
with, there are some positive aspects of
, communities can easily search for their basic need which is hard to find in their country. It becomes a good advantage, especially for daily needs, because it helps many people to fulfil their basics.
For example
, societies in Africa can buy pharmaceutical products from Europe on a marketplace
, people can specifically get the original product from the original producer.
For instance
, there are some specific commodities like "Batik" clothes from Indonesia which can easily access and order from the internet marketplace.
, it still has a negative impact on some customers who buy products from different countries. It is related to an additional cost which is automatically embedded in the price.
For instance
, if customers buy products from another country, it will cost delivery, packaging, and tax allowance.
, for some people, it is very costly. But, it does not matter because the global market has its niche customer depending on the economy of scale and income. To summarize, global societies gain a lot of advantages from
condition. It connects supply and demands seamless and borderless.
situation is very impactful, especially related to medical and cultural aspects.
Submitted by keamplop on

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