Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular specis of plants and animals. Other say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is no doubt that the environment plays
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critical in both lives and civilization of humankind. Without the natural resources and habitats provided, creatures on
planet are not able to sustain themselves. Some people harbour a belief that several creatures have faced severe crises
as extinction, while others believe that there are more critical issues in where we dwell. I will discuss both statements in
essay, and in the following paragraphs, I will detail my personal thoughts.
of all, what is undeniable is that various faunas and floras are severely endangered due to the destruction imposed on where they live at present.
For instance
, exceeding exploitation of forests produced by humans has induced disastrous impacts
as resource depletion which can lead to food shortages and homeless ending for the living beings.
On the other hand
, some latent hazards are resulting in damage to human beings. A vivid view from
standpoint is exhaust emission. With the deterioration of the air quality, some horrifying diseases might be caused
as lung cancer. Based on
salient evidence, environmental damage should not be ignored. At the other end of the spectrum, there are some approaches I believe to be the solutions.
, stipulating rigorous regulations could be used to mitigate the current situation. Individuals who are proceeding with harmful events might be deterred by sentencing to jail or the tremendous penalties.
, the development of sustainable energy can be assistance in the reduction of the emission of gas
as carbon dioxide and methane, which can contribute to easing the greenhouse effect. To sum up, environmental problems
as the declining number of animals and air pollution shall be coped with necessarily. With collaboration from not only government institutes but
non-profit organizations, the ongoing harm happening on our planet could be effectively and efficiently alleviated.
Submitted by ccgoabroad on

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