Some experts believe it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

It is
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argued by a fair amount of people that teaching international language to
should be started at the elementary level rather than high school. Since it is a better option to survive in the competitive environment. I think the pros of
measure play a significant role and reasons supporting my view will be discussed in upcoming paragraphs.
To begin
with, teenagers are eager to adopt the alien culture and settle abroad so educating folks in other
will elevate their fluency and ultimately broaden their minds.
, it will be easy for them to choose their carrier and studies outside their native countries. to illustrate, it has been reported by the Indian tribunes that 80% of
find it easy to settle outside India because of having an upper hand in English.
, most graduates want to set up their businesses and invest in multinational companies.
muti-cultural country not only plays a prominent role in enhancing the relations between business partners but
attracts investors from different parts of the world.
On the other hand
, children at an early age tend to forget things faster as compared to elders. Educating
in external
leads to a downfall in their fluency in native
, the youth's keen interest in adopting international culture and language ultimately causes a lack of interest in learning native
, parents
pressurize their children to gain experience in different
to flourish in their careers in
other region
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another region
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. As an outcome of
in many developing countries are eager to move to developed countries and have minor knowledge of their
and it has vanished to some extent. Taking everything into an account, it could be asserted that adopting foreign
plays an essential role to flourish in various fields.
, a proper balance should be maintained while educating
at school so that the native language should not disappear.
Submitted by dhaliwal.parm65 on

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