Today more and more tourist are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places.

Nowadays, people are more willing to visit unusual places around the world. They are thirsty
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new, unforgettable experiences,
, they
choose quite odd locations. I would like to present some advantages and disadvantages of
choices. The main advantage, I believe, is that travelling to deserts or extremely cold spots can be really thrilling. People in the 21st century are able to easily see any country they want. By choosing places that are not obvious, they can gain amazing and unique memories.
For example
, they can take some photos,
, those memories will remain forever.
, by visiting the areas mentioned before, tourists can find themselves in difficult conditions.
As a result
, they can challenge themselves and find out, if they would be able to survive. As far as I can tell, there are some disadvantages as well.
For instance
, if someone is unhealthy or not strong enough to manage the climate,
, they can suffer from serious illnesses or even die.
, choosing the aforementioned areas might be really dangerous because it can lead to life jeopardy. Personally, I think that before you decide to take part in a journey that can cause any harm to your health you should prepare yourself and run some tests to minimalise the risk.
, those spots are mostly situated far away from cities,
, those visits could be simply inconvenient,
for example
, there are no stores available around,
, people would have to supply themselves with a huge amount of food and drinks and clothes as well. In conclusion, there are pluses and minuses of visiting places, where conditions are extreme. Regardless of the decision, the population should be aware of them and prepare themselves for the possible journey by testing their endurance and by doing some research, in order to gain fantastic memories.
Submitted by paulastb6 on

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