many manufactured food and drink products contaion high level of sugar, which causes many health problems. sugar products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. do you agree or disagree?

It has been argued that sugar products should be more expensive in order to control the health situation of the community,
, I believe rising the price is not the answer thence, I am going to provide two reasons for my claim. Sugar-addicted societies will not let go of sugar even if it costs an arm and a leg. While the public enjoys these products it will be quite difficult to force them unlike them,
for instance
, a person who loves Dior bags will purchase them despite the price even if she/he is suffering financially,
goes for food and drinks too.
, some foods
as ice creams are both healthy and desirable, and not being able to provide it can cause frustration among the public.
, the decision will not only be useless but
affects people's anger.
On the other hand
, a country can damage economically if no one is willing to buy carbohydrates. Numerous brands might face failure and closure, Coca Cola is a good example because the brand provides only sweet drinks and other businesses that produce candies and chocolates will go through financial issues,
for instance
, negative cash overflow. In these cases, the government has to take every aspect into account and if it damaged one aspect
decision should not ever be agreed on.
, it will affect some businesses and cause economical tragedy. To summarize, I am highly against the idea and I believe we should think of another solution to maintain people's health
of damaging most companies and making society frustrated considering the failure risk of the idea.
Submitted by mahsa.mzi83 on

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