Do you feel that it is a good idea for the government to place a restriction on the number of children a family can have in order to control rising population numbers? Give reassons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. You shoud write 250 words

At present, the global population of humans on earth is growing exponentially. Unrestricted reproduction is the chief cause of
problem. I feel countries worldwide should put measures in place to curb the rate at which families are expanding;
, restricting the count of offspring one couple can have is a great idea.
, controlled childbearing positions the family to better utilize their finances in taking care of themselves.
For example
, a man who earns $5000 annually and has 2 children, will fare better than a couple with 6 offspring on the same salary.
, limiting the average size of a family in the long term has an effect on the global headcount alongside the economic gains of having fewer mouths to feed.
For example
, if a country puts the ceiling on the size of families to a maximum of 4, it is guaranteed that the poverty level of
a nation will
drop. The implication is that more citizens will flourish economically. On the other ,hand though, demanding that people can only give birth to a specific figure of sons and daughters has the potential of demotivating them.
For instance
, a woman who loves being accompanied by plenty of little ones will rather become sad if she is denied the right to have as many as she would like. Another danger in curbing the rising number of citizens by limiting the number of children is that people will sooner than later begin to lose interest in procreation.
will in turn lead to a decline in the number of people in a country.
For example
, Britain implemented these measures in the 1980s and today is suffering from acute shortages in its workforce. In summary, controlling the population can have positive effects, especially on individual homes. It ,
, has drawbacks that lead to shortages in manpower. I think governments need to strike a balanced sum of children a family can have without compromising the future.
Submitted by iorwes365 on

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