Nowadays, many folks decide to spend the majority of their time in their hometown because of the need to be near their family. While it might flourish the togetherness, I personally think that it limits their perspectives to the more beautiful worlds.
essay will emphasize the reasons and their effects.
Linking Words
To begin
with, people decide to live in their origin because of some reasons. Linking Words
, they want to be close to their relatives which Linking Words
crucial to some cultures. Folks see that looking after others' well-being is one of the primary goals in life. Change the verb form
For example
, many tribes in Java island are commonly grouped as a community until they die, only leaving the village if something is urgent. Linking Words
phenomenon reflects how important family bonding is for them. Linking Words
, people might be afraid to work outside their comfort zone, caging them into the closed-minded community.
In my opinion, Linking Words
practice brings disadvantages for them as it blocks many opportunities that come from the outside. Linking Words
, in Linking Words
globalisation world where boundaries are no longer a concern, working in another area could certainly open another opportunity that might benefit them. Linking Words
, living close to the family advantages the ageing parents who may need help from their children to take care of them.
To summarize, the reasons why people live close to where they were born are because of their culture and their fear of the outside world. Linking Words
practice benefits the parents as they have caretakers. Linking Words
, it will limit them from many opportunities.Linking Words