In many countries crime rates among teenagers are higher than among other groups.What are the causes for this problem and what can be done to solve this?

Nowadays, it is seen that crimes committed by adolescents are on the rise.
essay will
outline that the major causes contributing to
problem are the lack of guidance and the prevalence of drug abuse and will later suggest viable solutions to deal with
as ensuring adequate counselling of teenagers and preventing the misuse of drugs. It is true that more and more teenagers are indulging in criminal activities, the principal reasons behind
are inappropriate guidance and the prevalence of substance abuse behaviours . Parents are not able to pay enough attention to their children and are unable to counsel them effectively because of
they end up committing offences.
For example
, it is seen that children coming from broken families, tend to become miscreants. Another reason for
is the rise in the misuse of harmful chemicals and medicines for temporary pleasure.
results in an increase in cases of drug peddling and robberies.
for example
, young people commit petty thefts in order to obtain money to purchase cocaine.
there are several causes contributing to
issue, there are certain methods which could be implemented in order to prevent
as effective counselling and imposing laws which make procuring harmful substances challenging. By ensuring that trained people are appointed for guiding the youth, there can be a significant decrease in the number of misconducts. In Norway, it is mandatory for universities to have a proactive counselling system in place,
has drastically reduced the cases of juvenile delinquency.
, if governmental bodies can impose laws and strict penalties on individuals using addictive chemicals, there will a drop in the rate of offences committed by people under the age of eighteen. The Chinese government has achieved
goal by imposing a high fine on those who are caught with addictive substances. In conclusion, deficient support from parents and guardians, and an increase in the misuse of offensive substances can result in adversity .
can be managed by putting an efficient counselling system in place and by imposing penalties on substance abusers.
Submitted by divkapadia on

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