Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that pursuing knowledge, eventually, pays off. It is often said that higher education applicants are ought to be approved in equal numbers of masculine or feminine. I strongly disagree with
, and I believe that both males and females should be academically fairly assessed, ignoring their gender and racial background.
To begin
with, no one can deny that equality is one of the most important morals.
, I think gendering the acceptance protocol is completely detrimental.
In other words
, the student's qualifications should undergo complete assessment, rather than their gender. If,
for instance
, almost every applicant who got the higher scores were female, they must be offered a position.
In contrast
, if
did not happen, many unworthy students will steal the place of much-deserved ones.
, I believe the genderization of qualified people will undermine the universities' education system. To clarify, somehow
process is discriminatory,
, leading to a falling approach.
, to control the process of accepting applications, by using the students’ backgrounds, is pure discrimination.
, under and post-grad schools would set an awful example to their future participants.
strict ethical protocols should be followed by these organizations, some try to find a loophole to benefit their self. In conclusion, I think that under no circumstances it would be right to genderize the acceptance protocol in any institution
as universities, schools and the like.
In addition
, qualifications, personal statements, and the effort spent by students are the only things that should be taken into account.
Submitted by hendawi.a on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • gender diversity
  • fostering innovation
  • educational experience
  • enforcing gender quotas
  • merit and potential
  • individual achievements
  • natural differences
  • gender equality
  • reducing gender stereotypes
  • balanced workforce
  • traditionally male-dominated or female-dominated fields
  • fluctuating applicant numbers
  • compromise on quality
  • diversity aspects
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