Many student choose to take a gap year before starting university, to travel or gain work experience. Do you think this is a good idea or a waste of time? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some people are of the opinion that taking a gap year before starting a university is a good decision. In my point of view, it is a good idea because it could bring many benefits and might help to avoid many problems in the future.
essay will examine the merits of the topic and examples from my own experience and knowledge will be given. First and foremost, taking a gap year might bring humans the possibility to work in different areas
as the restaurant business, IT sphere, and others to understand which occupation is suitable for the person
in addition
to which major to choose.
, it could be a benefit because a number of time will be saved and an additional major would not be essential in the future. To illustrate, I took a timeout between my secondary school and the educational institution to work at an IT company as a trainee.
, I have
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experience in IT and I became confident that I wish to become a software engineer.
but not least, some families do not have enough money to purchase for education and cannot start the university of their
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, a pause between a school and an educational institution could give extra time to earn some money to enrol in a course soon.
In other words
, destitute individuals increase their chances to get a bachelor's or master's degree
as well as
wealthy humans. To illustrate, many universities are expensive. Namely, prices could start from fifty thousand dollars per year.
, people are forced to work for several months before starting an educational institution.
To sum up
, the advantages of a pause between a secondary school and an academy are obvious and give many possibilities to study at a better university and
get a decision about the occupation which will be suitable for a student.
Submitted by yakovshmidt93 on

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Provide more specific examples and elaborate on the ones provided to strengthen the essay.
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Ensure that the introduction and conclusion are more comprehensive and clearly connect back to the main points of the essay.
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