Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and more creativity than reading. To what extent do you agree?

Measures that have beneficial impacts on children’s growth are discussed by most parents nowadays.
reading is one of the effective methods, I subscribe to the notion that playing pleasurable
with children is a better approach for them to learn
and cultivate their creativity.
essay will discuss
issue, using examples from Harvard University and Japan government to demonstrate points and support arguments.
To begin
with, unlike reading, joyful
involved in interaction cultivate a child's numerous
exercises including team sports or multiplayer puzzle-solving games, not only need children to achieve targets by cooperation but
require them to organize and express their thoughts,
improving their
of oral communication and teamwork.
For example
, Recent studies from Harvard show that minors who played basketball and football at a young age can show more confidence when giving public speeches and better lead a team to finish group studies.
In contrast
, one can read a book alone without any contact with others,
the above
cannot be enhanced by reading. On top of that, reading may not be better than engaging in other enjoyable
as a form of developing minors’ creativity. In fact, many people agree that the best way to nurture a creative child is to encourage one to use imagination and create something new. According to research from the Japanese government,
for instance
, many Japanese artists reveal that their parents usually encouraged them to draw, play instruments or even build freestyles Lego building without any limits during their childhood, which kindled their inspiration to be art creators.
On the contrary
, reading might not be able to achieve the same outcome since it is all about receiving the existing information
of inventing. In conclusion, due to the aforementioned examples, I firmly believe that involving a child in entertaining and playful
of reading, can develop superior
and make the youngster more creative. Actually, it can be predicted that
a manner of parenting would become a popular trend in the future.
Submitted by hbljy123 on

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