7 It’s important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What sort of punishments should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?

There are two different perspectives on punishment for younger children to distinguish between right and wrong cases. According to the
opinion, it is indispensable in the growing process of pupils. While another one refuses that.
, I agree with the
vision up to a point that it should not be annoying and harmful for them. In the following essay, my view will be completely outlined and
a kind of punishment that might be helpful will be mentioned. It is apparent that all people have to be faced with plenty of difficulties in process of learning and
without passing these paths, they couldn't arise their flairs. In
regard, if one person doesn't induce
situation because of laziness or other justifications, punishment can be a proper solution to force him/her to leave some wrong costumes like an unhealthy diet. There isn't any deniable fact that if other solutions do not respond properly, it can be just the
one to solve the problem.
, that does not mean teachers and parents are allowed to use any kind of
That is
because some of them can damage children devastatingly.
For instance
, lots of accounts about mental or physical damage in schools have been reported annually which discourages pupils to continue their studies. That means if we want to use
way, it should be able to encourage them to learn and understand the differences. To conclude,
it is found that using punishments has a considerable effect on learning, all types of them should not be permitted because of lots of destructive consequences.
, I think all schools should give some guidelines to teachers and parents to avoid harmful ones.
Submitted by aminyari888 on

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