Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome culture differences. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is a hot topic for debate, the majority consider that travellers have to follow some code of conduct . But for others, it's necessary to have a welcoming nature not only for visitors but
for their differences in culture. Since here we are to discuss both the sides of views. In my opinion, tourists should follow the national rules and regulations of a host country.
, it's important for travellers to respect the cultural ethnicity of the host country and try not to disturb it as it may have tough consequences for any
For instance
, if you're to visit a place like India, people are orthodox and biding by some rules for women's clothing, it would be a disturbing and shocking surprise.
, though changes are astonishing it
has positive effects the allotment of culture will guide visitors to stay in comfort, and style and introduces their living system to upgrade the native residents to be educated about foreign.
For example
, the tour of United Arab Emirates’ citizens in Pakistan can show the local population to know about their food, dress and cultural way.
, permitting the own civilized way may attract and enhance tourism, which will open ways to trade, bring foreign currency and grow the tourism industry.
, the independent tradition may raise interest among foreigners and catch sightseers. In conclusion, following the local style creates influence among native people, but
risks health, while implementing own culture may enhance benefits for both tourists and the state. I am convinced that visitors should abide by the rules of the visiting country.
Submitted by sonali s patil on

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