Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam'. How true do you think this statement is? What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

It is definitely true that the
of car owners has skyrocketed over the
30 years and in its turn, it has impacted cities dramatically. I absolutely agree with
statement and
essay will extensively explain reasons to support my opinion and render possible solutions that government can implement to solve the existing problem.
To begin
with, at present there is a wide range of factors that make people own cars.
For instance
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marketing competition between automobile dealers, which doesn’t cause a monopoly so makes most cars’ prices affordable. Apart from that, banks release loans more easily these days and define lower down payment.
, people are tired so overcrowded public transport so those disadvantages overweigh the advantages
as sanitation, punctuality and prices.
, folks do whatever is necessary to afford a car.
On the other hand
, the situation related to traffic jams is incredibly awful and requires some urgent measures from the government.
, the authorities should channel more money into road expansion and create more routes.
, they should introduce some measures which will regulate the
of cars on the road.
For instance
, in some Colombian cities exists “pico and
Correct your spelling
” (rush hour traffic restriction). The digits of license plates are chosen
that a car with that license plate cannot be driven at a certain time on a certain day of the week. In a nutshell, modern individuals can afford private transport more easily than in the past.
, the
of vehicles is increasing drastically on the roads and causing transport congestion. The governments should be very concerned about taking serious measures to tackle
traffic problem and seriously emphasize decreasing the
of cars.
Submitted by riveraeka55 on

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