A person's worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness and trust, no longer seem important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is argued that
's worth nowadays is judged on the basis of social status and material possessions, and not by what many may consider old-fashioned values
as trust and kindness and I agree with
statement. People claim that
is due to individuals' backgrounds and cultures. It is often pointed out that the majority of cultures expect individuals to not bring shame to their community by only having the best.
For example
, owning the biggest house or being wealthy.
, many see each other as competition and feel the need to outdo them by buying an even better car,
for instance
In addition
, a large portion of society cares about how others view them and their opinions with arguably most of them being of older generations.
but not least, social media plays a significant role in aiding
. A majority agree it is being used as a platform to show off the newest most expensive items
owns and that only causes people to compete even more to try and do even better.
On the other hand
, some believe that qualities
as trust hold an important place in determining
's worth. It is undeniable that in a competitive world like now, being able to trust someone has become rare and a valuable thing to find in today's society.
, I personally found that the newer generation of kids is much more kind to others than a lot of adults.
goes to show that valuing the personal qualities of others is starting to make a comeback. In conclusion,
a small portion may still hold these old-fashioned values dear to them, a large majority only look at the materialistic side of things when determining
's worth and for that reason, I agree with the former argument.
Submitted by lujain.tawfig on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • social status
  • material possessions
  • old-fashioned values
  • honour
  • kindness
  • trust
  • empathy
  • media influence
  • self-worth
  • metrics of success
  • financial achievements
  • community contributions
  • superficial connections
  • emotional bonds
  • life satisfaction
  • stress and anxiety
  • policy changes
  • community programs
  • restoring balance
  • personal character
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