It is argued that nowadays it is extremely important to focus on farmlands, housing and industry for humanity by some type of community.
, others think
on Change preposition
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the contrary way and argue that giving lands
forChange preposition
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areCorrect subject-verb agreement
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more essential. I totally agree with both sides and give some evidence
toChange preposition
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the arguments in the following paragraphs.
On the one hand,
the Correct article usage
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humanity has huge demands
toChange preposition
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the farmlands or
industrialsChange the noun form
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as building houses and factories. Because
withChange preposition
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growingCorrect article usage
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population and developing technologies all around the world, the demand
toChange preposition
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them significantly increased.
, if the number of people
riseChange the verb form
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up around the world, it means that the request
ofChange preposition
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accommodations and
the Correct article usage
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forChange preposition
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eatChange the verb form
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showCorrect subject-verb agreement
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the Correct article usage
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, it is really necessary to give
landsFix the agreement mistake
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to the
who are
underChange preposition
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danger to disappear.
, these species can be very helpful in producing
varietyReplace the word
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types of drugs.
, if a new drug is manufactured, observing the
can tell scientists whether
drug is beneficial for its
costumersCorrect your spelling
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or dangerous.
, endangered
such Correct quantifier usage
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helpful in not only checking medicines but producing kind of them.
In conclusion, lending lands
toChange preposition
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the Correct article usage
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housing and for the increasing
of Change preposition
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industrialism or
tot heCorrect your spelling
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type of species which are endangered has some advantages and disadvantages, In my opinion,
takeWrong verb form
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care of endangered
is much better
thatCorrect your spelling
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offering earth to the new opportunities.