Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But others believe that teenagers should focus on the subject they are good at or find the most interesting. Discuss both sides and give more options.

There is an ongoing debate in
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that the students' lecture programme. Some of them believe that it is better to concentrate on all subjects whereas others believe that it is more beneficial to concentrate on what they are good at or find the most interesting. For teenagers, it is hard to say what is better but I believe that it should be depended on the individual students for selected talented ones but others should take all lessons in their programme with different hours per week. Considering teenagers, people cannot know what their desire as so themselves.
, taking lessons about all kinds of subjects might be helpful if they change their mind in the future. Even if the system of pointing gives extra points based on their chosen subject, they need
others to get a better score on exams
as university exams. Another option might be a solution about the aspect that they can take all subjects but more
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hours can be on what they find interesting outweighs the other.
On the other hand
, being more concentrated on the specific lectures provides better and easier improvements for pupils. They will not struggle with the lesson which are unloved or untalented ones for them. If they use that programme in their education life, they
love to go to school.
In addition
, the lecturer gets a chance to select talented ones from the crowd thanks to the
one subject
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concentrated system and give more attention rather than all subject as an option. To put it simply, both beliefs have advantages and disadvantages
as selecting and improving. The teachers in the schools should decide for their students because they are professionals in the education sector.
Submitted by ecemanginn on

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Linking words for giving examples:

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  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
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  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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