More and more people want to buy clothes, cars and other items with famous brands. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative development?

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The 21st century witnessed an upward trend of purchasing goods from brands with fame. The root causes of choosing luxuries are mainly credibility and superiority. In my perspective, the drawback of contributing to a material world outweighs its advantages.
To begin
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with, popular labels attract massive customers owing to the extensive properties of their products. Clothes from the top character would be more durable because of using higher-quality materials while the upmarket vehicles,
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as Tesla and Mercedes Ben, often offer superior safety assurance compared to that middle-range products.
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, the brand reputation is associated with customer reviews.
As a result
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, retail fraud could be averted. A case in point is over-exaggerating of product quality and fraudulent advertising which happened in the trade with smaller or unrecognized branding. On top of that, famous designers as the priority of purchasers could provide a sense of satisfaction.
For instance
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, Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Porsche could demonstrate one’s social status and wealth. These are exorbitant due to their materials and unique features, which are the primary factors of citizens’ admiration and desire.
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, branding is considered a tool for the rich. In general,
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tendency could provide a motivation of becoming rich in terms of money, but not in terms of happiness. The common examples are Hong Kong, Japan, France, and Italy where with high GDP, luxurious brandings are the norm and the identification of the upper class.
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, according to the World Happiness Report, the countries with lower GDPs and less comparison with others, like Denmark and Iceland, are the places which contain real happiness. The behaviour of desiring attention and fame may contribute to getting lost in material pleasure while ignoring the amusement in the minutiae of life. To conclude, purchasing from brands with fame becomes universal because of the high quality and the identification of wealth.
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may pose a threat to the younger generation of material-oriented values.

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