Some people today believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that world population increase is necessary and beneficial as it creates the growth of the world’s economy and society. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

With the significant increase in
worldwide, some people believe that it will contribute to calamities globally.
On the other hand
, some folks concur that
demographic transformation is helpful for the economy of a country. In
essay, I am going to discuss these viewpoints and explain the reasons why I support the former statement.
, the rising number of human beings is the principal reason why many places in the world are suffering from natural calamities, and air and water pollution. People consume a large number of natural resources like fossil fuels, which has contributed to emissions of greenhouse gas.
, the sea level rising and air contamination issues are becoming more and more urgent because they are putting people's lives at risk.
For example
, coastal countries
as Maldives are facing the issue of rising sea levels due to the global warming effect resulting from the growth of human being's activities which include the use of fossil foul.
On the other hand
, some individuals advocate that increase in
can provide more manpower which drives economic development.
, labour power can be substituted by immigrants from other nations. Specifically, the Japanese government encourage civilians from south-east Asian nations to compensate for the lack of manpower.
, the old civilians are taken care of and have a better quality of life. In conclusion, the growing
in the world can bring more disadvantages
as jeopardising the environment and eliminating natural resources. Even though the rising
can lead to the development of society and economic improvement, it can
be solved by other approaches like importing workers from foreign nations.
Submitted by Yuting20722 on

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