Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foregin country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

While a few individuals argue that there is only one purpose for practising another country's
which is travelling or occupying a job in that country, I am among those who think that it can be implemented for several applications. The related reasons are given in my essay. It is commonly believed that
plays an important role when migrating to a new country.
is to say, when you aim to go to a foreign territory, you should have learned their tongue in advance, in
manner, you can easily communicate in the new environment.
In addition
, if you immigrate to find a better job, being mastered in their
will be an additional benefit compared to your counterparts who are weak in lingual skills.
For instance
, my brother who has moved to France, always regrets why he didn't attend French classes when he was in Iran, and for
very reason, he has undergone a lot of trouble as a consequence of not knowing French. I support the idea that new professional opportunities can be provided by learning a
In other words
, bilinguals are able to take advantage of their skill to be hired in vocations, which offer a high salary.
can become much higher
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if someone is trilingual or even a polyglot.
For example
, there are numerous businesses
as the tourism industry, interpreting companies and digital marketing agencies that go around with people who are multilingual, and they are always ready to hire more individuals due to the high demands of their customers. In conclusion, despite folks who opine that a
can be beneficial for overseas trips or occupations, I believe that it can bring countless merits into our lives.
Submitted by masoudtbto on

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