Some people say that now is the best time in history to be living. What is your opinion about this? What other time in history would be interesting to live in?

'Present time is the best to be alive', it is believed by some individuals. I agree with their statement, and
essay will discuss the reasons for the same.
To begin
with, nowadays we are at a great advancement in technology and its usefulness in history. One can communicate with people overseas just by the touch of a finger. Not only communicate, can
do video talk, and simultaneously share pictures, videos, and other documents.
For instance
, I often talk to my brother in Canada and my other family members altogether in a group video chat on the WhatsApp app without paying any expensive calling rates for international conversation, like a decade ago.
, with the advent of online banking, we can transfer and receive any amount of money around the globe within a few minutes.
, due to the accomplishment of a fast-paced massive transportation network around the planet, an individual can travel to distant places in a few hours.
For example
, a direct flight from Canada to India is mere around twenty hours. Apart from all
, I believe that the caveman era in history would
be interesting to live in. Mainly due to the unavailability of all the technologies, cars, and even houses. One has to live in jungles and hunt for food daily and keep roaming to new places all the while. That seems like a fantasy today. In conclusion, living with advanced technical facilities and a supersonic transport system, we can certainly be sure of living in the best time in history.
Submitted by Anil Pahal on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • unprecedented
  • prosperity
  • technological advancements
  • global connectivity
  • longevity
  • opportunities
  • self-expression
  • renaissance
  • exploration
  • industrial revolution
  • roaring twenties
  • unparalleled
  • groundbreaking
  • transformative
  • revolutionary
  • epoch-making
  • flourished
  • transcended
  • innovations
  • distinguished
  • renaissance artists
  • explorers
  • innovative entrepreneurs
  • exhilarating
  • era
  • unforgettable
  • boom
  • vibrant
  • exuberant
  • transformed
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