Some people like to try new things, for example, places to visit and types of food. Other people prefer to keep doing things they are familiar with. Discuss both these attitudes and give your opinion.

Since the start of humankind’s existence, curiosity
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always the motive for learning and development. Despite that fact, it is always a point of argument
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the individual should be open to trying new things or not. In
essay, I will elaborate
in regard to both sides and state my own point of view. Change is always a way to escape from boredom and routine,
, some people seek adventures by travelling to new countries and tasting unpopular cuisines. If we do not go out of our comfort zone, we will never unlock our full potential.
For instance
, studies show that the fastest way for newborn babies to learn is to follow their
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and interact with the new elements that surround them.
As a result
, I agree that everyone should be open to exploring to a certain level.
On the other hand
, diving into the unknown can have negative consequences. Being fearless will not prevent you from facing hardships when you go for new stuff.
, some folk prefer to keep doing the same activities and stay far from anything new that may be dangerous because you never know what to expect. To clarify, you may hear every day about stories of individuals missing in forests
hiking or being poisoned by food that they are not used to.
, I slightly agree that not everything new can be good to try, and safety always comes first. In conclusion, trying new things can work for some people and may not work for others but it is still important to be open to having different experiences
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your safety.
Submitted by me2metwaly on

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task achievement
Ensure that your examples are relevant and support your arguments effectively. Use specific examples to illustrate your points and strengthen your argument.
coherence and cohesion
Your essay has a clear logical structure and the introduction and conclusion are present. Ensure that your essay is well-developed and has a clear flow of ideas throughout each paragraph.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Novelty
  • Routine
  • Comfort zone
  • Risk-taker
  • Risk-averse
  • Enrichment
  • Personal growth
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Stability
  • Tradition
  • Habit
  • Familiarity
  • Personal enrichment
  • Life stages
  • Fulfilling
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