These days, internet based courses have become a popular alternative to university based courses. Some students prefer this type of learning because they do not need to attend lectures. Others, however argue that it is important to stay at university. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, classroom session is less popular among students when compared to online learning. They prefer internet-based studies as it obsoletes the need
of attending
Change preposition
to attend
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any lectures.
others, including me, believe that learning at university is crucial.
essay will discuss both views in detail and
provide information on my perspective. With the advancement in technology, gaining knowledge through gadgets has become a pragmatic option.
of carrying huge books and searching for reference articles in the library, the era of the internet has provided a facility to scribble vast information with just a few clicks.
For instance
, today mobile phones are equipped with nursery rhymes which makes it convenient for children to learn them sitting at
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home without going to any playhouse.
, the question is that are these technological intrusions truly beneficial or not. Certainly, access to knowledge via the internet has increased but it does bring some repercussions. There are a few skills like human interaction and self-confidence which are rapidly diminishing among youngsters
due to
uprising trend. When a child attends an online session, he is in a safe environment per se in his home and
Verb problem
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to make any social interactions.
While a
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student attending university will surely develop a necessity to interact with others which will develop social skills
as well as
communication power.
, it is vital to attend college for most adults. In conclusion, the benefits of digital learning cannot be ruled out completely but care should be taken that the importance of face-to-face learning
plays an essential role.
Submitted by sweety on

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Create stronger connections between the ideas and paragraphs to improve overall coherence. Use transition words and phrases to guide the reader through the essay more effectively.
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