Some people hold the belief that printed publications will be replaced by online publications in the coming years.
, some argue that hard copies of reading information are still crucial for their lifestyle. In my opinion, I totally agree that online readings have become popular since it is free and affordable and digital materials are eco-friendly as it is not required paper.
In our modern lifestyle, almost everything has been turned to its digitalised versions. One of that transformations is online publications. Anyone, who has internet can press the button and access plenty of readings by visiting websites without any payment. Linking Words
, it is not required any space to be kept reading materials and nor deteriorated as paper printings. Linking Words
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saves costs. Another popular example is the price of purchase. Linking Words
For instance
, the Linking Words
publication of Harry Potter sold around 50 dollars in bookstores, but you can buy its online version for less than 5 dollars from the publisher online.
Cutting trees and making paper for printing are considerable issues for our ecosystem. Since it is vital for us to keep our nature, eliminating hard copies are required in our lifestyle. To give you one example, some schools in Mongolia have started projects aiming to change the design of study inputs in high schools by digital platforms using electronic material access for purpose of keeping trees. Linking Words
project will complete in 2025. Linking Words
, similar trends will be continued not only in our country but Linking Words
In conclusion, I am convinced that printed books and newspapers will be replaced by their online forms because they can be more affordable to everyone and less harmful to our nature.Linking Words