Online shopping has become more popular than before. of this trend.

Recently, the internet has changed the habits of purchasing new products and increased the popularity of online shopping. It is claimed that youngsters find their comfort in using modern applications of local and international brands through their mobiles rather than going to shops for traditional shopping. To embark on, when some people think of the process of buying new items
as mobiles, clothes, books, food, and even medicines, they tend to rely on the internet due to the wide range of products it offers.
In addition
, online shopping has become more convenient because it provides a review section where some individuals type in their honest opinion about the items they purchased.
In other words
, if customers are hesitant about the authenticity of the goods, they might simply read the reviews and make sure the products are not fake.
For example
, has become one of the most trustworthy used online shopping websites, and it ships worldwide.
, what can be said is that e-shopping is efficient and time-saving.
, even though most people depend on shopping applications nowadays,
could compromise them to fraud.
In other words
, when buyers decide to get things from an unknown random website or application, they might get scammed by receiving a different product from what they have ordered.
For instance
, Egypt’s police stations suffer from
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huge number of scammers who creates fake shopping applications
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and insist on
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paying through
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a visa
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or credit card.
, the experience of shopping online depends mainly on luck. In conclusion, after the essay has manifested the reasons and results of e-shopping popularity, it can be reiterated that the shopping industry has prospered after the introduction of online purchasing. It is suggested that the government should limit
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online shopping fraud by setting serious punishments for
Submitted by sarah.mohammed  on

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