In order to learn the way other people in the world lives, it is better to look at film and video records than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Thanks to rapid developments in the technology and television world,
are able to follow news that happens in other countries. In the present world, individuals do not have to learn about other cultures and
's lifestyles by reading reports or written sources. The demonstration of something has a significant effect on the learning process and from
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angle I totally agree with the idea. In the first place, researchers have shown that visual proofs make faster the learning process. To illustrate, a child would learn a culture more efficiently via a video rather than a document. Because visual is an important matter.
tend to picture
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as making news by helping out with a video, describing traditional clothes, and so on. It has been proven that those who want to understand the way foreign
live, have to keep following the information in the form of documentaries or a film.
, they can imagine the geographic features of the area they live
, customs
Change preposition
in, customs
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, clothing styles etc. more easily.
, there is a controversial question ''Who has more knowledge, who travels a lot or reads?''. Even though some
think that reading is enough for education, they skip the importance of experience and the field of learning. From a logical aspect,
cannot find everything in books or written articles. To give a clear example, a young girl's life cannot be recognized and impressed by a book, sometimes human beings have to see the real world. Some economic websites write the
Replace the word
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power of India is in the top five,
on the other hand
, the videos about India indicate the poverty that Indians have been suffering from for decades.
need to concentrate on videos and films
of written documents. When all things are taken into
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consideration, it is obvious to find out that video records and films are better than written articles because of the causes that I mentioned above and I strongly agree with the statement.
Submitted by bulutkanpolat3 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • visual engagement
  • real-life depictions
  • emotional connection
  • auditory stimuli
  • cultural immersion
  • memory retention
  • multi-sensory learning
  • author's bias
  • objectivity
  • accessibility
  • video records
  • film representations
  • everyday activities
  • broader audience
  • enhance understanding
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