Working hour is a concept to protect the worker's
rightFix the agreement mistake
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. In today's era, several countries tend to make a policy about long average working
for the workers and
rule affects national economic
rather than countries which decide to make shorter working
regulationFix the agreement mistake
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. I strongly believe in
notion, and I will give several reasons in
with, there is a causality paradigm among the people who work harder will get more money rather
thoseCorrect word choice
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who work less.
influences the
as a big organisation to serve society, making
regulationFix the agreement mistake
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on long working
, America
asCorrect your spelling
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beliefReplace the word
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in a liberalization economy, getting more economic
,Remove the comma
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and even
became a superpower
in the world that rules the world economic condition among other countries due to 12
in Change preposition
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the day regulations. Following
, as a comparison, Iran whit 5
working in the day rules, nowadays became the
with the worst economic
, a long average working
policy is indeed a good habit for society.
governance indirectly made
publicCorrect article usage
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more productive to spend their time
in Change preposition
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the day. Because unconsciously a lot of individuals will feel happier about working vibes rather than unemployment vibes which means doing
the Correct article usage
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useless jobs.
, In Indonesia, many people become lazier than in other
society due to their few working
In conclusion,
country'sCorrect article usage
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policy about long average working
shows more advantages outweigh disadvantages.
in Change preposition
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the final effect
to Change preposition
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's economic
and make
communityCorrect article usage
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spend their time doing productive activity in their days.