to what extent do you agree or disagree that young people who commit crimes should be treated the same as adults who commit crimes

Nowadays, there is a controversial discussion on whether teenage criminals are supposed to be punished the same as adults who commit crimes. In
case, some cast
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that juveniles are too young to be legally treated seriously, while others hold a different view against it. As far as I am concerned, I believe that there should be a different judgement aimed at youth criminals. A severe sentence for adolescent lawbreakers could possibly ruin their whole life, which is actually a deviation from the result that we want.
For example
, if a 15-year-old boy were put into jail for several years because of some unintentional misbehaviours
as robbery, he will waste
valuable time which he could have been educated at high school.
person will not be able to get a ticket to the university or a diploma, which probably will bring him a miserable life with being unemployed as the current companies highlight a certificate or diploma.
, an identical legal punishment for both youths and adults is not fair for the former group of people considering they do not have equal mental maturity as grow-ups do.
In other words
, individuals are neither been equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the law nor a satisfying control of their temper, which means that they might be easily affected by some misleading information spread on the internet, committing crimes impulsively. And
that is
why we ought to set up a clear boundary between those who are underaged and mature as
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Law of Protection on Minors. In a nutshell, an unclassified penalty for young people will not only destroy their life but
an unfairness and challenge to the law.
, I vote for special legal treatment for young criminals.
Submitted by bunyanchen on

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