Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes ( for example working for a charity, improving the neighbour or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree. Give reasons for your answer and Include any relevant examples from own knowledge or experience.

Some are of the opinion that free community service should be a mandatory part of school programs. In my own view, I completely agree with the idea because
will help students to learn how to function in a team and learn how to communicate.
, community efforts
as neighbourhood watch or charity require delegating people based on a student's unique talent.
, every member of the team has a purpose or a role they have to fulfil that would bring about progress in society. In North Wales around the early winter of 2012, there was an increase in house burglars. Even though most of the homes had a state of the art security locks, that did not deter the perpetrators.
a group of students created a software app called the “Watcher” on their mobile devices to alert each other of any strange activity they noticed around their environment.
, unsalaried public performance can
benefit the pupils physically and mentally. cases that require raising funds to support victims of fire accidents or people with disabilities, students may organise events
as a football match, or theatre play with tickets to raise the cash to support the above. Once upon a time ago during my final year in high school, we organised an event to travel down to Wrexham to help and support people that were severely affected by a flood. We divided ourselves into groups based on the course we want to major in at the college which consists of the engineering, sport, psychology and medicine group.
, it would help us understand the basic need of the environment and touch every aspect of it that was affected by the flood In conclusion, despite the varying opinion, I believe the unsalaried compulsory public tasks will teach pupils to communicate and job as a team.
Submitted by Docceegee24 on

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