Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is believed by certain individuals that subjects taught in the university should be per teacher's choice while others opine that their curriculum must comprise system and technology only, which would be beneficial in the upcoming times.I think I agree with the former view as students could enjoy their studies more if it includes content according to their taste. It is advisable that university scholars must be flexible in the selection of subject matter due to many reasons .The primary one is that it helps in attaining goals and setting ambitions for the future.To be precise,a student does not only perform well in studies but
explores the subject to the fullest because of personal choice.
practice is not followed it can severely affect students' health in many ways. Since these undergraduates do not understand the complexities of various books,they get bad marks.
For instance
,In India, a significant number of children are undergoing stress and committing suicidal attempts to finish their lives.
, it is good to opt for streams as per one's own will. Some people think that college youngsters must be able to acknowledge scientific and technical facts only on account of multiple grounds. The key factor is technology is an inevitable part of human life. To elaborate an individual is surrounded by diverse gadgets from morning to evening and
it is crucially important to upgrade ourselves with
For example
,older people have suffered at a greater scale due to less consciousness of laptops and computers during the covid period. Another cardinal reason is diversity in career opportunities. There are an ample amount of courses available related to skill which in turn booms secure future of young minds.
, it is equally important to understand science too. To conclude, subjects in universities matter a lot as it decides an individual future. So, it is better if pupils in
institutions would be left liberal as they can create something unique rather than pressuring them to learn skills and technology only.
Submitted by Yogita  on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • foster
  • engagement
  • excel
  • innovative contributions
  • diversity in research
  • well-rounded education
  • broad perspectives
  • critical thinking skills
  • mental well-being
  • burnout
  • forced academic paths
  • job-ready
  • skills shortages
  • tech-driven economy
  • employment rates
  • changing job market
  • utilitarian subjects
  • aptitudes
  • wasting talent
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