Few people think that unsolved crimes in police records can be resolved by applying the techniques of modern forensics. In my opinion, I strongly agree that
approach should be taken to at least begin with the cases where the proper Linking Words
was collected,Use synonyms
Linking Words
the guilty was not identified Add the comma(s)
due to
limitations on the scientific devices.
On the one hand, most of the felonies committed by criminals get escaped Linking Words
due to
either improper investigation by respective authorities or pollution of the crime scene prior to the investigation.Linking Words
For instance
, a few years back in India, a girl and her housemaid were brutally murdered in the house of a doctor's family where the parents were Linking Words
residing. In that felony, both parents and a few other friends of the maid were identified as prime suspects ,Linking Words
Linking Words
none of them was found guilty Add a comma
due to
missing Linking Words
as the police department failed to collect the proof appropriately before the crime area got polluted. Use synonyms
, during Linking Words
scenarios, where there is a lack of conviction by investigating officers there is no point in reopening the case.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, a few criminals who are deemed to be over-smart try to implant Linking Words
that either Use synonyms
the detectives from finding the truth or turns in the innocent. Correct subject-verb agreement
For example
, most serial killing crimes get a lot of public and political attention because of which police department could get easily fall for the bait of implanted Linking Words
and capture innocent or couldn't identify the culprit Use synonyms
all the possible Linking Words
are collected and Use synonyms
had happened in many of the high profile cases across the world. Linking Words
As a result
, there are many mysteries that went unsolved for years which can be solved by using modern forensic techniques.
In conclusion, all felons must get punished before and it is the responsibility of the law-making body to ensure the right offenders get prisoned as they shouldn't get a chance to commit another felony.Linking Words