In recent years, it has become conventional for companies to advertise their
, and some may argue that advertising is unnecessary since people will only buy
essentialCorrect article usage
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they needed. In my view, it is partly true that people always buy
necessitiesReplace the word
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goods, yet
advertisementFix the agreement mistake
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playChange the verb form
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an important role in today society's.
To commence with, advertising is one of the key factors in boosting business profits. A prime reason is
becauseReplace the word
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the Correct article usage
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and advertising are always linked together. To
illustrate, companies can increase their
by promoting the features and functions of the
through advertising.
, some advertisements will attract and stimulate customers to buy the
, with interesting jingles and creative
promotionFix the agreement mistake
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advertisingAdd an article
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industry has created numerous
of Change preposition
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jobsChange the noun form
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helpChange the verb form
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millions of people around the world to get jobs
as poster designers, video editors, and digital marketing.
, it is undeniable that
sometimes is annoying and intrusive.
act like a booster for
but Remove the conjunction
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advertisements that frequently
popsCorrect subject-verb agreement
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in Change preposition
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everywhere else, especially when someone browsing the internet, could be an interference.
, not all
are real as
compareWrong verb form
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to the original
. Manufacturers might include other elements
toChange preposition
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, which
exaggerate the actual performances of the commodity.
, consumers might get
trickWrong verb form
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fromChange preposition
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and in the worsen case scenario, buyers might get confused and wrongly use the
In conclusion, I
partialReplace the word
show examples
agree with the statement, and it is true that advertising
businesses increase their
sometimes might abuse by manufacturers that
lead to bad results.