Some experts are concerned that people in modern society change their electronic devices when not necessary. Why is this phenomenon occuring? Explain if this has a positive or negative effect on society.

Replacing electronics frequently is a contentious phenomenon in the current day because it has adverse
on society. There are various reasons for
, and
has many
on society. In recent years,
occasion has occurred
due to
the fact that customers are willing to buy newly-invented products because of improvements to cutting-edge technology.
In particular
, electronic companies are releasing new electronics monthly to encourage customers to upgrade their previous use.
For instance
, the two top corporations in South Korea, which are Samsung and LG, are so competitive that they boast their newly-innovated laptops with several promotions.
As a result
are exposed easily to their advertisements and decide to convert their current laptops into developed merchandise.
shows why
have a tendency to improve the condition of the current feature as much as they can,
it is optional.
, it is evident that
phenomenon causes a serious negative effect on environmental damage. From a professional standpoint, excessively abandoned products have detrimental
on air pollution and habitat destruction.
For example
, in China, many waste dumps are filled with old electronic goods that no longer function. These useless parts are heated using dangerous methods to extract valuable metals
as gold and silver. When these parts are heated, they release harmful gases that harm
and the environment.
, switching over technical goods to another one unnecessarily can have negative
on the environment.
To sum up
are likely to change their technical merchandise regularly in order to follow social trends, even though it is not mandatory.
, it is undeniable that
behaviour causes a chaotic drawback in terms of polluting the ecosystem.
Submitted by kjh990403 on

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