Whether private perspectives posted on cyberspace should be considered
hiring or not is a contentious issue in modern society. Some people claim that it is necessary to examine candidates’ cyberspace before they get employed. I buttress Linking Words
idea because of an intensive understanding and the industrial network.
Foremost, accessing the personal blog or website is advantageous because employers can reap the benefits of understanding who the person really is. Linking Words
In particular
, by acquiring the information Linking Words
their own perspectives, which is hardly seen in job interviews, it becomes easier to select an optimal worker for a company among numerous candidates. Change preposition
For example
, Google opts to investigate each candidate’s post on Facebook to judge whether Linking Words
person has an acceptable view to work in a certain department or not in advance. Eventually, Google prolonged its harmonized organizational culture consisting of suitable employees. Linking Words
, it is evident that considering social media as a reference is required with the advantages of finding workers properly.
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In addition
, it is undeniable that job candidates are able to build a network with owners in a field by revealing their opinions on the Internet. As someone is connected with headhunters, there is the potential to be chosen by a familiar online owner when a new hiring announcement is opened. LinkedIn, Linking Words
for example
, is a global website for users to stress not only their thoughts but Linking Words
their CVs and skills. Linking Words
type of social media enables people to obtain job opportunities more easily by forming industrial relationships. Linking Words
, both owners and workers have advantages in expanding the scope of human resources.
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To sum up
, looking at one’s online post is acceptable Linking Words
hiring because owners are able to comprehend someone’s personality deeply which is fit and both sides can establish a connection in one’s career for the future. For these reasons, I am of the view that personal data on the Internet should be allowed to utilize in a hiring process.Linking Words