Some people believe that smartphones are destroying social interactions today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays everyone who has the age to have a mobile has one. Because with a phone it is easier to communicate and find information online.
reason, some believe that they are destroying social interactions.
, others consider that we should have
kind of technology to get more interaction in our lives. In
essay, I am going to explain why I agree with the first statement.
To begin
with, most of the
who can access cell phones are using them all the time. Even when they are with their friends or family, they are always doing something with them and forget to talk with
For example
week I went to have dinner with my colleagues and after we ordered food, everybody was checking their phones and not talking to each other. If no one gets a smartphone,
will never happen.
reason, we must stop using them all the time.
In addition
, not using technology during our holidays can be good
to meet
Change preposition
for meeting
show examples
. Especially, when we are going to the visitor centre to get information
of looking online.
For instance
, one day when I was travelling in New Zealand I did not have reception, so I went to the information office to find all I needed.
As a result
, in
place, I made new friends and good advice about what I have to visit.
, we cannot find everything on mobile.
To sum up
, talking and meeting new
is very important for our well-being. I strongly believe that we must drop our smartphones and start to interact around us.
Submitted by Andrea Barreto on

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coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are present but need to be more clear and concise. The main points are supported but could be better linked together.
task achievement
The response is relatively complete and addresses the prompt, but the examples provided could be more relevant. The ideas need to be more comprehensive and clear.
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