Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

In recent days, many health problems
as diabetes and kidney failure are occurring. Some
believe that the reason for it is the low price of sweet products which leads to many
buying them straight away. The government is being pushed to make a policy to increase sugary product prices
due to
matter. Standing
on the contrary
, I do not agree with
view and will explain it in my essay. First things
It is true that products with high sweetness levels are directly correlated with the amount of sugar that someone consumes.
, the most important thing to control is not the sweet products’ prices. Other than that, It is
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essential to control
’s mindset toward the amount of sugar that they could take in a day. It could be realized through the series of a program where government give information about the right number of sugar to be consumed each day to its citizen. Eventually, they will know the impact of it and will be more aware.
For instance
, an athlete will not buy any unhealthy food
due to
his knowledge, not because it is an expensive thing to buy.
, it is
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beneficial thing to influence
's mindsets rather than use an unsolving policy.
, the price will not directly affect
's decision to buy the product since money is an achievable instrument which could be reached in a lot of ways.
, it should not be a problem if someone desperately wants the product since all they need is to look after cash to buy it.
For example
, a boy can borrow his friend's money to buy a can of expensive sugary products. So, the rising price will not prevent him to buy it. To sum things up, it is unarguable that sweet food and beverage have a role in current
's health problems. Even like that, the main factor to be considered in
case is the
’s way of thinking.
, the policy will not really solve the problem at all.
Submitted by regina.christella7 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • health problems
  • manufactured food and drink products
  • sugary products
  • excessive sugar consumption
  • discourage
  • promote
  • healthier choices
  • reduce
  • increased taxes
  • fund
  • health education
  • prevention programs
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