The graph demonstrates the number of elderly people whose involved in 7 categories of physical activities in 1997 and 2017. Generally, by 2017, the involvement rate had climbed, with the highest participation rate being in tennis.
In 1997, tennis was the most popular sport with the exact rate of 50.000 participants, followed by the second and third most, which are swimming and rugby.
golf and football were estimated to have the same total of entries, Linking Words
on the other hand
, cricket and basketball were the two least of elders' favourite athletics, with almost 30.000 and 10.000 favouritism, respectively.
By 2017, the Linking Words
football, rugby, and basketball participators had increased significantly, estimated by 25% more people had joined. Golf and tennis had risen moderately to more than 30.000 and 50.000 participants, Linking Words
swimming had remained at the same number. Linking Words
, cricket had fallen to approximately 75% lower, from over 20.000 to less than 10.000.Linking Words