you work an international company, and would like to spend six months working on its head office in another country. Write a letter to manager. In your letter, explain why you want to work in company head office for six months. Say how your work could be done while you are away. Ask for his help in arranging it

Dear Sir, I would like to share my desire to
in the company headquarters situated in the United States and request your assistance on
matter. Now, the reason why I want to
there is that I have a heard lot about the
and organizational culture there which I want to experience personally.
, from our company website, I got to know that there are various training programs lined up in the coming six months which would provide me with great learning opportunities. With regard to my
, I would request your assistance to get a laptop issued so that my tasks would not get affected.
, any tasks which need your help and approval in person can be assigned to any other member of our team and I will provide him/her training before leaving. I hope you will consider my request as after attending
intensive training programs, I would be an even more valuable asset to the company. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Jenny Rose
Submitted by kaurmamta3 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • professional advancement
  • cross-cultural collaboration
  • headquarters/ head office
  • global perspective
  • remote work
  • temporary assignment
  • team dynamics
  • networking opportunities
  • cultural immersion
  • succession planning
  • collaborative tools
  • time zone coordination
  • corporate hierarchy
  • relocation logistics
  • work-life balance
  • multinational environment
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