You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter • explain your situation • describe your problems • tell him/her when you think you can start.

Letter Dear Mr David I am excited to join your organization as a Software Developer.
, I am writing to inform you that I can not make it on the arranged date. I was supposed to join the team on 13 January, but something came up. Currently, I am on
Correct pronoun usage
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vacation in Iceland, and my return flight to New York was cancelled because a volcano had erupted. As you might have heard from the latest news, the volcanic eruption started approximately 120 kilometres from the country’s capital city London, where I am now. I am safe, hardly
Unnecessary verb
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lava flows pose an immediate threat to people, but unfortunately, all regular flights for the next week were cancelled.
, the government is working on organizing evacuation flights. So I hope to come home on the nearest provided plane, which is pre-planned for 16 January. I am sorry for the inconvenience and will keep you updated. Yours faithfully, Tim Ronald Adolat
Submitted by nazirovmuhammad71 on

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