Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. stars, pop musicians or sports stars)are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of jobs should be highly paid? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.

The income of celebrities,
as influencers, pop
, film
or singers is unreasonably lucrative. I agree that they can have a relatively higher salary compared to the general public. But they don't deserve the lavishly high payment. Other occupations like scientists and advanced skilled professionals(e.g. doctors or engineers) should receive juicy payroll. As we all know, Hollywood A-list film
are very rich. they can get over USD 10 million for shooting a blockbuster. A famous football player will enjoy USD 30 million a year after he signs a contract with a new football club. I understand their roles are special, they are capable of lightening up our moods, reducing pressure and making us relax.
, these flamboyant numbers look like an unrealistic fantasy for ordinary people who won't be able to possess so much money throughout their lifetime, though they
work very diligently or even at the cost of health on a daily basis. The salary gap reflects social inequality that may arouse public outcry and lead to social instability.
For example
, French railway staff went on strike in order to increase their payroll. During
period, the railway was brought to a standstill and passengers' travel or business trip was affected. In the end, it would impact the national economy.
, we need to lower celebrities' payments to a proper level.
On the other hand
, scientists who made great contributions to human progress, and doctors who saved numerous patients' lives during covid-19 pandemic deserve big bonuses.
In addition
, we should
award those unsung heroes, like teachers. A notable amount of students would rather become glamorous
to earn excessive money than a plain teacher. If the income of teachers is going up, more students will be motivated to teach the next generations in the future. In conclusion, a better allocation of funds is necessary to promote economic and social progress.
Submitted by 1839606575 on

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