today fewer elderly people live with their children than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development

Nowadays the majority of old individuals live less with their offspring than in the past. I consider that it has several positive aspects
as take a commitment and focusing on targets.
, nowadays many elderly people tend to be far away from the hectic pace of life.
, the majority of them prefer to live without children. To their opinion, the young generation especially graduated from high school is mature enough,
they are willing to live more independently They should realise the ups and downs of life and learn to take a commitment. It helps them to be a responsible person
earn a living and growth several skills like how to cook and the way to protect themselves. As a
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they are able to carry easily life’s burdens.
According to
the article written by William Novelli that 73.5% of juveniles that live alone become more self-confident and responsible than those who depend on their parents.
In addition
, another positive fact is that the majority of adolescence can think of their targets
as careers, finances and etc. So they carve a niche for their goals,
focusing on improving their skills and working hard to earn high wages.
Due to
the survey carried out among people that the major lifestyle help people to gain promotion so they possess the flexibility and mobility to relocate and live anywhere
, they do not think parent’s concerned and felling in
situations. All in all, living alone has a significant role in the younger’s life so they can easily manage their work balance during
period. In conclusion, though the number of children who live with parents is falling today, I think that it has several benefits
as focusing on goals and learning responsibility.
Submitted by qubadbeylilahe on

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