Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

day and age, health issues caused by consuming sugary food have been increasing to an alarming level in many countries. To tackle
problem, some people propose that the government should charge higher taxes on sugar in order to lessen consumption. From my point of view, I totally advocate
idea, and the following essay would help to strengthen my point.
To begin
with, increasing the sugar tax can help to decrease the rate of obesity and diabetes in society, which is usually caused by consuming an excessive amount of sweets. To put
in a simple way, a higher tax on carbohydrates means that the cost of related products will definitely increase,
deterring consumers from purchasing those in local grocery stores.
For example
, when buying a bottle of Coca-Cola, customers would reevaluate whether it is worth paying a higher price, and
can result in choosing other alternatives.
, charging an additional amount of sugary tax is a precious chance to promote organic and other sugar-free types of food and drink. Since people are deterred from buying products containing a high level of artificial sweets, businesses could promote other substitute choices, many of which are made from organic fruits and are beneficial for human fitness.
For instance
of going for a Pepsi bottle, customers can buy a cup of orange juice, which is not only refreshing and sweet but
improves physical well-being. In conclusion, I believe that by making carbohydrate products more expensive, the authority could encourage citizens to consume fewer sweets,
improving health and avoiding diseases
as obesity and diabetes,
promoting other biological goods.
Submitted by duongntt.tld on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • health problems
  • manufactured food and drink products
  • sugary products
  • excessive sugar consumption
  • discourage
  • promote
  • healthier choices
  • reduce
  • increased taxes
  • fund
  • health education
  • prevention programs
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