In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might be the case? Do you think this is a negative or positive situation?

In some countries, it is more important for residents to own a house rather than rent accommodation. From my point of view,
trend holds some positive effects, and it will be explained in my following essay,
as well as
the reason behind
To begin
with, the reasons that lead citizens to afford private property relate to the sense of security and stability. To put it in a simple way, having an apartment means that you do not need to constantly worry about paying monthly rent or finding another apartment to reside in
Remove the redundancy
show examples
case the landlords decide to raise the price,
you can concentrate on other priorities
as work.
For instance
, in Asian culture, people believe that a person should settle down in a house first to get a stable base,
devote attention to his career.
, a lot of people choose to purchase real estate so that it can generate more profit in the long run.
For example
, if you own a three-story building,
of using every room inside the accommodation, you can use utilize a floor for your personal space
leasing the other one, which will provide you with extra money to help you afford your bills. From my perspective,
is undoubtedly a positive development.
is because it can motivate people into working harder to acquire their dream mansion, and as mentioned above,
trend can reduce the stress of worrying about the cost of living and contracts with landlords.
but not least, owning a house will generate another cash flow by leasing the building to the tenants, especially when the price of renting an apartment is soaring and it is becoming harder for folks to find a suitable place to live.
To conclude
, the sense of security and stability,
along with
the financial profit are the prominent factors that make adults decide to acquire private property,
of paying monthly rent. I do believe that
trend holds a lot of merits, as it could encourage young adults to be more diligent and become financial leverage.
Submitted by duongntt.tld on

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