The map depicts the changes in the village parks from 1980 to the current year.
, there has been a significant improvement in the park compared to the past.
In 1980, there used to be a small garden with fewer facilities in the garden. As there were two gates for entry and exit and a small path between them for walking. In the current ,period it was reconstructed and gates were removed and the paths were extended towards the north and east side, now having four entries and Linking Words
exits to the park. In the northeast corner of theLinking Words
park there were only trees and now they have included chairs, desks and a barbecue a perfect picnic spot for families.
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On the other hand
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entering from the south on the left and right side in 1980 there were flower plants are replaced by playgrounds with different amenities for children and bushes. Linking Words
, the corner area of the pond has been increased and one bench has been installed making four benches around the pond.Linking Words